Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Collection

    Have you heard of Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Collection by Samaritans Purse? They collect shoeboxes filled with school supplies, hygiene items, and toys/crafts for children in impoverished areas around the world and deliver them in Jesus' name.
    When the shoeboxes are delivered, area churches and pastors host events where the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ is shared, then the children are invited to follow up with a 12 lesson discipleship program. This ministry impacts not only the children receiving the boxes, but entire communities as the parents, friends, and siblings of the box recipients hear about the gospel through the recipients.
    You can participate in this special ministry by packing shoeboxes and dropping them off at local collection centers. If you have children in your life, they will love to help with the shopping. This year collection week for the boxes is November 13-20. You can find all of the specifics, including nearby drop off locations, through this link: 
    It is such a wonderful way to share the blessings God has given you with others around the world in God's name. Though I have participated longer, this will be the 12th year for me to be in charge of my county's drop-off center. The year I began, we had brought home our youngest son who is adopted from Haiti. When I spoke to him about the ministry he said he wished they had received these shoeboxes at his orphanage and was eager to help with the ministry even though he was only 6. It saddened my heart the day we brought him home, and he had nothing from his time in Haiti to call his own except for the book that we had sent him with pictures of our family taped inside, and other pictures that we had sent him. 
    I have heard stories about the difference that our shoebox items can make for a child. Pencils, a sharpener, and crayons may ensure a child can go to school. A toothbrush is an item we take for granted, but many do not even have one. Even a spoon and small bowl can be a huge blessing to many of these children. Pray and ask God how you can participate and what He wants you to include in your boxes.
    For your shoebox, you'll want to start with a standard-size shoebox. Plastic ones that cost about a dollar work great (the dollar tree brand tends to break easily) and I have heard that families like them because they can use them as storage or as buckets for water. Next, you'll want to decide whether it's for a girl or boy and the age group (2-4, 5-9, 10-14), and add that information to a printable label, or ask for a label at the drop-off location. Make sure to set aside $10 to add to the box (or you can pay online when you get printable labels). This money goes towards all of the shipping and processing expenses to deliver the shoeboxes around the world, as well as the gospel materials given to the children at the time they are presented.
    Once you have determined who you are shopping for, fill your boxes with a medium-sized "wow" item. A toy or craft item that is nicer than other things in the box: barbies, stuffed animals, inflatable balls with small pumps, etc. For older children, it might even be something they can use to earn money like a sewing kit and scissors, or screwdrivers and wrenches. Then fill it with smaller items in each of the following categories: toys, school supplies, and hygiene. 
    The following is the list from the OCC website of what not to include: 

Candy; toothpaste; gum; used or damaged items; scary or war-related items such as toy guns, knives, or military figures; chocolate or food; seeds; fruit rolls or other fruit snacks; drink mixes (powdered or liquid); liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable items such as snow globes or glass containers; aerosol cans.

    There are some great ideas of items for each age group on the link above. You can also include a picture of your family, a drawing by your child, and or your email address with a note. Sometimes you'll receive a message from the child or the child's family to thank you.



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