God Provides!
Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Collection is complete for 2023! This year collection week started off with a bang when I found out the community nearest us (and much larger) had no collection site because of some last minute changes. After heading up the collection center for my county for the 11 years previous, I thought I was well prepared for the week. When our first day collections were way above normal, I knew I had to reevaluate things. At first I felt overwhelmed and the task seemed impossible. I knew I would have to find more workers and set up more trailer deliveries, as well as collect more packing cartons and tape. Thankfully the Holy Spirit nudged and reminded me that this was not my project, but God's and He can and will do all that is necessary to see that His purposes are accomplished. I had friends join me in prayer and posting for help, and God quickly filled in all of the gaps. Some of the large churches took their shoe...