Not Quite Mr. Darcy Dedication and Happy Birthday to my Mom

This is my daughter wearing my wedding gown 4 years ago. My mom made the gown. Isn't it a beautiful gown! You can't see it fully here, but it is a floor length sheeth dress with a train that detaches. I designed the dress and went with my mom to pick out each piece of lace and satin used, and my mom painstakingly made the dress, veil, and customized my shoes with matching lace. She even sewed seed pearls into the lace. It is a treasure to me and we only had to make minor alterations to update it from it's original 1992 design--i.e. remove the shoulder poof and bows from the veil and train attachment point.

Last Friday was my mom's birthdy and Not Quite Mr. Darcy was dedicated to my mom. She helped grow my love of reading and of God at a young age. The main character of Not Quite Mr. Darcy moves to England to be a nurse/caregiver for a woman in the early stages of dementia. My mom suffered through Alzheimer's for about 14 1/2 years, so the book was a way to walk through some of those feelings and hopefully bless others going through it with someone they love. In the book they are accompanied by a picture of a butterfly that my daughter drew and painted. My mom used to collect butterfly accesseries. Nearly every day she wore butterfly broche. She said they gave her a chance to tell people about Jesus and the new life He offers.

The words below are from the dedication in the front of the book. In memory of my mom, who shared her love of Jesus Christ and exemplified how to show that to others. Her mind was gradually taken over 14 1/2 years before she succumbed to Alzheimer’s. I rejoice that when I see her again, her mind will be whole. She loved the image of a butterfly because it represents a rebirth, which beautifully depicts what happens when a person becomes a Christian. The picture below was painted by my daughter for Mother’s Day after my mom passed. I am beyond grateful for my mom and her legacy.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV

And he who was seated on the throne said, "Behold, I am making all things new." Also he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true."

Revelation 21:5 ESV

Get Not Quite Mr. Darcy here.

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