Deeper Still


Deeper Still is a ministry for those with abortions in their past who recognize that rather than fix things, abortion has left them broken. It is a Christ-centered ministry that provides weekend retreats free of charge to men and women so they can work through their past and be set free in Christ. Too many times the sins of our past keep us in bondage believing that we are not worthy to speak Christ into the lives of others, serve Him fully, or worse--we believe we don't deserve salvation.

Many who have gone through Deeper Still retreats have finally found freedom in Christ and their voice to speak out against abortion after years of shame that kept them silent. This growing ministry is not only helping those with abortions in their past but also helping turn the tide of abortions in the future.

As a Christian and as both an adoptee and adoptive mom, abortion has long been on my radar. I am thankful I was born before Roe vs Wade and wonder if I would be just another statistic if I were born only a few years later. My brother and sister (twins) were spared from an abortion by my parents adopting them too. This knowledge combined with my faith has made me value life greatly. I serve on the board of my local Deeper Still chapter. It is a young ministry but is rapidly spreading across the U.S. and into other countries.

If you or someone you know would benefit from a retreat like this, please check out their website to find the currently scheduled retreats and locations.

If you would like to help this ministry use the link to find your nearest chapter to help financially or in prayer, or give and pray to the headquarters so they will have resources to continue growing this ministry.

Find out more about Deeper Still here.


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