Free ways to help with my writing ministry

There are many Christian Indy authors just like me who do not publish our books through a traditional publishing house, but instead do it ALL ourselves. This means we pay to have it edited, pay for the book cover designs, and any other costs incurred with advertising or publishing. Indy authors are also responsible for marketing our books. Because of this, we depend on readers like you to help get the word out about our books. In the next section of this newsletter you'll learn about free ways you can help me and other authors promote our writing.

There are a number of free ways you can help with my writing ministry besides buying my books.

1. If you've read my books and like them, you can review them on Amazon and Goodreads (or any online store that sells them, but Amazon helps the most. There is also Bookbub). Below are the links to my author page to access the books and rate them.

2. Share about my books with friends. My website is easy to remember, and you can send them there.

3. Click on the links for book promotions that include my books. I regularly try to participate in book promotions where I team up with other authors for sales, free books, and other things. When you click on the link for these it helps my author reputation so that I can be in more promotions. This helps get the word out about my books. You can always click on links without purchasing or signing up for anything.

4. If you are on Instagram, follow me there and like, comment, and share my posts. 


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