Read the Bible in a year (or longer) Plans

 If you haven't guessed, my favorite book is the Bible. It is the most beautiful love story, and it is also filled with intrigue, mystery, drama, poetry, and some of the most astounding stories (with a lot of broken families and people) you or I will ever read.

The beauty of it is that it gives us a glimpse into the mind and heart of God. I can study it all my life and never mine a fraction of the gems found within. If you have never read it from beginning to end, there is no time like the present. Now it is easier than ever.

Start with a plan like the ones below. If you find yourself short on time to sit and read, I highly recommend listening to the Bible on Audio. It is a great way to hide God's word in your hearts. There are a number of Bible apps that offer an audio option for free. I use the audio on both Bible Gateway and the ESV apps. If you need to stretch your plan to longer than a year or two, there is no condemnation. We have different seasons in our life when things like this are harder. The important thing is that you read God's word consistently so that He can speak into your life and turn your heart and mind towards Himself.

I will also add that quickly reading the Bible through in a year or two is not replacement for deep rich study. That is what will help you more fully understand its truths. In the coming newsletters, I will talk about studying the Bible in depth (in addition to fiction book recommendations and my usual topics).

1 year Bible reading plan with reading from 4 different books (including old and New Testament books) each day. Days built in to catch up with only 25 days a month.

1 year Chronological Bible reading plan

2 year Bible reading plan. Alternates between Old and New Testament books each day.


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