
Showing posts from March, 2025

FOS 10b - Fruit of the Spirit Mini study Goodness and Faithfulness

Exodus 34:6 ESV - The LORD passed before him and proclaimed, "The LORD, the LORD, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness." In the Fruit of the Spirit study we last looked at goodness, and after we finish that we will move into faithfulness. Goodness and faithfulness are both character qualities of God. Studying how He has exemplified these through the years in the Bible and in our own lives can help us better understand what they look like so we can encourage growth in those areas through the Holy Spirit. In the verse above, the Israelites had just recently built a golden calf while Moses was on the mountain receiving the Ten Commandments and the Book of the Law. When God's response was that He would destroy the entire nation of Israel except Moses and carryout His promises through Moses, Moses interceded and God relented. Moses then asked to see God's glory (33:18) and God said no one can see His face and live...

Review of The Politics of Love by Drew Taylor

  Drew Taylor has reworked and rewritten much of the second half of The Politics of Love and I love it even more! The ebook is available for a special preorder price and you’ll get it on release day—March 4! Read my review below.  🇺🇸 I loved the first version of TPOL and somehow Drew made the revised edition even better. There’s more depth to the characters, more background information, and though some things are changed and added, it retains the same great characters with their endearing quirks and unique chemistry.  In The Politics of Love, Drew Taylor has pulled together a number of tropes and meshed them into a compelling and touching story. It has romcom vibes, with the added tension of real world hurt and brokenness, in a setting that is decidedly not real world for most of us. I have definitely never been the campaign manager for a billionaire presidential candidate. But she has done it in a way that feels organic.  Hayden and Darcy’s romance was a very ...